So I just want to thank a couple of totally AWESOME people and want you to bask in their awesomeness!!!
Firstly I just checked my total page views and apparently so far i have 1044 pageviews!!!
Secondly I want to give some Pixie love to these blogs:
Thanks Horror Smorgasbord for adding me to you blog list, I think my high number of page views is from being on your list. To my minions please check out his blog if you haven't yet because its super awesome, he has kickass reviews on all stuff horror related! (click his blog name above to direct you to his blog)
Thanks to The Uranium Cafe for adding my blog to your "Blogs I dig and so should you" section, it really does mean a lot since I'm technically a newbie and because of you adding my blog to your list it has definitely been part of the reason why my total page views is so much. Do check out his blog its also really kickass and if your into classic horror movies then his blog is definitely the best place to go for awesome movie reviews. (click his blog name above to direct you to his blog).
HUGE THANKS to Large Association of Movie Blogs (LAMB) for letting me be an official LAMB member and for posting my blog profile on your blog!( It truly is super awesome and i couldn't thank you enough. Im sure A LOT of bloggers are familiar with LAMB its a great and successful blog that everyone should check out! (click their blog name above to direct you to their blog)
HUGE THANKS to Large Association of Movie Blogs (LAMB) for letting me be an official LAMB member and for posting my blog profile on your blog!( It truly is super awesome and i couldn't thank you enough. Im sure A LOT of bloggers are familiar with LAMB its a great and successful blog that everyone should check out! (click their blog name above to direct you to their blog)
Thirdly I want to thank my minions/followers!! I can't believe I have 33 followers already you guys are just OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD-KICKASS!!! Its so great to know that 33 people find my blog worthy of following and a BIG thank you to all of you that take the time out to comment on my posts, your the best minions a person could have! *sob sob*
I also want to thank my BFF's:
- Peach(thanks for following, commenting and liking my blog! it means a lot coming from someone who is just as horror movie obsessed as me...luv ya lots chickita)
- Freda(thanks firstly for posting my website link on your facebook wall that was super cool, thanks for following and commenting on my blog your just super kickass and luv ya lots too)
- Lina (thank you for putting up with me with all my blabbering about my blog and its awesome followers. Even though you hate horror movies with ALL your heart thanks for still following my blog it means so much..luv ya lots and lots)
Ok re-reading this now I sound like im giving an acceptance speech at the Oscars ( I'm really not this emotional on a daily basis but i guess you all bring out that side of me haha)but in anycase ANYONE who reads, comments and/or follows this blog gets my...........

Love,Peace and Sugar-Coated Hugs

If you want to show off your awesomeness with this seal on your blog then go ahead, just don't forget to link it back to this blog.
Total Times I wrote Awesome in this blog post: 9
Yeah cause I'm awesome like that! haha wait scratch that make it 10 times :P
Love,Peace and Sugar-Coated Hugs